
Saturday, January 18, 2020

NuPlus—The Key that Unlocks the Door to Health...
A food you can live on!
NuPlus is an ancient recipe called “Angel’s Porridge.”  It is a whole body tonic and longevity food.  It is an easy to assimilate, concentrated whole food packed with enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients that nourish the cells of the body.
NuPlus has the macro-nutrients that are especially nourishing for the muscles and brain.
NuPlus is a “Yin” food which is good for peaceful, relaxed energy, endurance and restful sleep.
An herbal nutritional foundation on which to build a solid and healthful diet.
It provides nutritional balance.
·  Is complete instant nourishment providing:
o   65% complex carbohydrates (glucose)
o   20% protein (amino acids)
o   15% fat (all good essential fatty acids)
o    naturally-occurring micro-nutrients  
        such as vitamins, minerals,
        antioxidants, phytonutrients, and

·  Strengthens the body’s systems by nourishing tissues and cells; helps lower cholesterol levels.
·  Is whole, bio-available food the body recognizes, can easily assimilate and use for regeneration.
·  Is a combination of 12 highly- concentrated, whole, powdered plants.
·  Includes five kinds of beans that nourish five key organs:  (red) the heart, (white) lungs, (green) liver, (yellow) spleen, and (black) kidneys.
·  Contains hundreds of phyto-nutrients known to build the body’s immune system, protecting it against viruses, bacteria, and environmental influences.  Is loaded with anti-oxidants for cellular health!
·  Is convenient high-powered nutrition (fuel for the body) that’s ready-to-go! Fights fatigue and sustains the energy level. Visit my website Join my Facebook Group "Good Health Through Nutrition With Shirley"

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