
Friday, September 13, 2019

A little about me...
Since  you don't know my "story" I thought I would share with you...
My Journey to Good Health!
It is hard to even know where to begin. I had so many health challenges for over 10 years. I had been to 23 doctors and had every test you can imagine.
It depended on the doctor to say what label they put on my symptoms. Many said I had severe Fibromyalgia, some said I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, another said I had an inner ear problem; another said I had brain stem damage. Some said they didn't have a clue, but all said, "Take this medication." A couple wanted me to take an anti-depressant. A couple even made it quite clear they thought I was faking since none of the tests showed anything.  
But, the one thing none of them mentioned was what I was eating! 
I had even hoped that they would find something on those tests so at least I would know what was wrong.
I had a headache for over ten years. it wasn't a matter if I had a headache; it was how bad is it going to be today. In those 10 years there was never an instant that I didn't have a headache. If I did any kind of physical activity, especially with my upper body, it would go into a migraine headache, with the end being that I couldn't see. Along with the headaches I had muscle pain all over my body.  I was in so much pain most days I slept most of the time.   I had tingling and numbness in my feet, legs, hands and face, even my tongue was numb and tingling. I had vertigo so bad that I couldn't walk across the room without help. I can remember being in the house alone and needing to go to the bathroom and crawling on my hands and knees to get to the wall so I could hold on to something.  Instead of getting better I continued to get worse!
I could go on and on with my complaints, but I think you get the picture. I couldn't go anywhere alone. I needed help doing almost everything. I am so thankful for my family. My youngest son quit his job so he could stay home with me to be my caregiver. At that time I was 52 years old and I was existing, but I didn't feel I was living.
Then I ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen her in several years. She had been very ill also for many years and since we were both not able to do much we lost contact, especially since I live in Oregon and she lives in Montana. I feel it was meant to be that we ran into each other. I was hanging on to my husband for dear life, trying to keep my balance when I saw her. She was almost bouncing when she walked. She looked like she did in high school, her skin looked so healthy and her eyes were bright. I didn't see the dull look of pain in her eyes anymore.
I asked her what she had done to get so much better, and she began to tell me about these wonderful Sunrider whole food concentrates that Nourish, Balance, & Cleanse your body that she had been eating for about 2 years.  
My first thought was.oh no, another one of those "oh you should try this". I had heard that so many times and spent so much money not to feel any better. sometimes even feeling worse.
But, then my confused mind thought. "wait a minute, look at her." I remembered the last time I saw her. She felt so bad. I decided to give the Sunrider foods a try.
I would have never tried them if I hadn't seen the difference in her.
I am so thankful that I did! I have heard people say it is a life changing decision when you make the Sunrider choice and that is exactly how I feel. It has changed my life in so many ways, all for the better.
I started educating myself about nutrition and along with the Sunrider foods, I changed my other foods to healthy choices too.
I started feeling better and better. I had more energy than I knew what to do with and I could think clearly for the first time in so long. I didn't want to sleep all the time. My main problem in the beginning was I tried to do too much too soon. I wanted to make up for lost time and clean my own house, etc.
My mind was ready but my body had to do more regenerating before I could do everything I thought I could. I had to make myself take baby steps back to a regular life. The headaches started getting less and less, the tingling and numbness were less and less, the vertigo was the longest going away.
When people started seeing how much better I was they ask me, just like I had asked my friend, what I was doing to get so much better. I naturally started sharing Sunrider with everyone.
When I started eating Sunrider I just wanted to feel better. I had no idea of sharing it. I had to worry about getting through the day, I couldn't think about tomorrow.
I decided that no one should have to go through what I did, so if I could help someone feel better that is what I wanted to do. So I became a Sunrider Distributor and started sharing and haven't stopped yet!
I find it so rewarding to help people, and when they say to me "Thank you so much for telling me about Sunrider foods!" It almost makes me cry, because I remember how I felt when I was able to regain my health, and my life!
I started eating Sunrider foods in March 2003.
It gave me back my health, it gives me the opportunity to
share it with others so they can regain or maintain their health.
It has been 16 years and I still eat my Sunrider foods everyday and I am still enjoy good health!

My website  

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