Is Health The New Wealth?
Most people under the age of thirty when asked what their goals were for their future, good health is not mentioned. This is not because they don’t want good health, it’s simply something that many of us take for granted. On the other hand, you’ll almost certainly hear ‘financial wealth’ mentioned as a top priority.
The Price Of Wealth
It’s natural to want to achieve some degree of wealth. But many people spend their life trying to achieve financial wealth, and success requires hard work, long hours, and plenty of stress along the way.
Many people who have achieved financial wealth have reported that while building their fortunes, they lacked the time for proper exercise, eating nutritionally correct foods and even sleeping properly at night.
Many claim that they suffered from anxiety, headaches, insomnia, compromised immune systems and high blood pressure.
Wealth may be achieved but often at the cost of one’s own physical and emotional health and well being.
If you’ve lost your health to gain your wealth, you will end up spending your wealth trying to regain your health.
In the amount of money can really make life worthwhile if you don't have good health.
My personal experience is proof of this! I had a very demanding and stressful job...that I loved, but my health started to decline and eventually I could no longer work!
I never thought about what I was eating may be the problem... I had gone to 23 different doctors and not one of them asked me about my diet! When a friend introduced me to Sunrider foods I realized that YOU REALLY ARE WHAT YOU EAT!!!
My breakfast had consisted of a maple bar and a 32 oz. soft drink!
Then something from fast food for lunch that I ate while I was working!
I worked such long hours most of the time, I would stop and get "fast food" for me and my family on my way home...No wonder my health was deteariating!
Once I started educating myself about nutrition and changed my diet which included the "Basic" Sunrider foods my health started to improve! Not over night, but I continued to feel better and better.
My life changed on March 22, 2003! That was the day I started eating Sunrider foods...and over 16 years later, I continue to eat my Sunrider foods everyday! I will never go without them...because having good health is VERY important!
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